Ipswich Town Hall


Muhammad Manwar Ali (Abu Muntasir) B.Sc.(Hons) M.Sc. Comp. Sci., MA in Islamic Studies with a Diploma in Arabic is the founder and Chief Executive of JIMAS, a UK educational charity which pioneered Zakat distribution in the UK.

Manwar has worked in IT for 25 years and has extensive experience in teaching Islam and community projects for over 30 years at mosques and university Islamic Societies. He provides diversity training to the Police and other services, to schools and inputs to Interfaith dialogue.

Manwar works for peaceful coexistence that helps foster understanding with one another, good neighbourliness and caring engagement with people. He teaches Islam that restores balance, enhances human values and addresses issues of extremism in a holistic manner comprising of education, social projects, charitable events and open discussion.

Manwar founded the UK Muslim educational charity JIMAS, pioneered Zakat distribution in the UK, prepared many students for life, helped make British Islam relevant and important and as an Imam led the way in showing civic engagement. Manwar has worked in IT for 25 years and has extensive experience in teaching Islam and community projects for over 35 years.

Manwar is one of the few scholars in the UK who has been directly involved in Jihad for around fifteen years and fought in Afghanistan, Kashmir and Burma.

Manwar's Facebook Page Follow Manwar on Twitter Manwar on LinkedIn

Among his various current public positions Manwar is:

i) Interventions Provider for the Office of Security & Counter-Terror (OSCT), Home Office (2012 - Present)

ii) Tutor for the Workers Education Association (WEA) (2012 - Present)

Below are all unpaid community posts:

iii) Member of the Local Scrutiny & Involvement Panel (LSIP) for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) East England (2011 - Present)

iv) Member of the Suffolk SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) (2015 - Present)

v) Muslim Chaplain at University of Suffolk & Suffolk New College (2009 - Present)

vi) Muslim Chaplain for the Ipswich & Colchester Hospital (2010 - Present)

vii) Member of Against Violent Extremism (AVE) (2012 - Present)


i) Member of the Police Crime Panel for the Police & Crime Commissioner (Suffolk) (2012 - 2018)

ii) Trustee & Board member of Ipswich & Suffolk Council for Racial Equality (2009 - 2013)

iii) Community governor of Murrayfield Primary School (2009 - 2010)

iv) Community Governor for St. Helen's Primary School, Ipswich (2012 - June, 2017)

v) Fellow of Suffolk New College (SNC) (2011 - 2013)

vi) Trustee of Ipswich Community Radio (ICR) (2010 - 2012)

Ipswich School

UK Registered Charity 1060695